Saturday, 10 January 2015


Whenever we goes out from home. So parents especially mothers give some instructions.
Like- come on time, Take your lunch properly, Don‘t fight with any one.etc

They don’t let us go anywhere in night. Some of the time they try to make some distance with our friends.

Do you know why?

I show you something to clear it

(Have you ever plant a tree?)

When we start to plant a small tree so we follow some instruction
We establish small plant of tree into earth.
We give necessary pesticides.
We give proper water .
Then we make a boundary for that small tree. 

Then we do a special work to protect the tree by establish a Tree guard.

Do we know why we do this
Because we try to save that small tree from fast winds, water flow, and other natural activities.
We give some support by the tree guard which is beneficial for their growth.
We give water and basic nutrition for their progress.

We protect that tree from outside world by giving tree bound
By the time the tree grows day by day. Once the time comes that small plant become a tree.
It has proper leaves and its branches
And the time has come the Tree guard who had been protecting the small tree now is under the tree protection.

After some years when that tree becomes a proper young tree it has fruits, flower, a big covered area.

People take some rest under this tree, have the fruits, and fell the smell of flowers. And today that tree doesn’t need the tree guard. Because now he is able to handle all that problems which was taken in the past now it can protect others.

In this topic tree guard and tree boundary are your loving once those who cares for you
They want to protect you from outside world. And at the end they want to be protected by you in their future.
So recognize their values why they give restrictions to you.
And love them.................  


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