Friday 9 January 2015

Anyone can disturb our mind

We all live in a society and we are sharing this world with so many people. We all share our views, happiness, sadness, achievements and problems with others.
But some of time some of the people try to distract us. When they try to confuse us we get distracted towards our destination.

It might have been happened with you because it happens with us ..

So we have a solution to get out from it.

We all use some software in our computer

When we start to install this software in our computer .so we follow these steps.



 (We follow these steps.) 

When we follow these steps we do not read the instructions, Term & conditions. And other formalities
We just click on two buttons
These words are- NEXT and SKIP

We press on next-next-next and finish

(Then we use the software's)

Even when we install Whatsapp in our mobile
We do these steps

We don’t concentrate on the guidelines we just install the software to press Next button.

Do we know why don’t we read those instructions and terms & conditions?
Because we know how to use these software’s practically. We know all that features those has been given in the instruction guide.
That’s why we don’t want to waste our time to read those things which we know in practical.

The same situation comes in our life.
If  We are involved in something so someone can distract us. So we should use the same concept which we had used in software installation.

we do not need to give attention to that particular thing or person. who wants to distract you.

IF you think the thing is being given to you is related to you and it could be beneficial so keep it.
Otherwise Skip it.

And reached to the destination where you want to be.

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